Saturday, May 16, 2020

Elizabeth Warren, The Country s Leading Financial Policy...

Elizabeth Warren, born Elizabeth Herring, is considered one of the country’s leading financial policy experts. Warren fights for lower and middle class families and works to protect them from large corporations and financial institutions. Originally she attended George Washington University, but she dropped out of college after two years to marry and follow her husband to Texas, where she finished her degree in speech pathology (, n.d.). While a mother of three and working as a speech pathologist, she decided to attend Rutgers Law School the day of her eldest daughter’s third birthday. She later graduated and eventually divorced her husband. As a single working mother, she became interested in the economic struggles that the†¦show more content†¦Soon enough, she was recognized by President Obama for her knowledge and for being â€Å"an unparalleled communicator on the imperative consumer protection† (, n.d.) and was tasked with constructing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. One challenge public managers often face is â€Å"responding in a timely fashion to shifts in priorities† (Lynn Hill, 2016, p. 17). According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFTB), after the passing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (n.d.) and after President Obama assumed office, one of the first major duties Warren had was to create an agency that held Wall Street executives and other financial institutions accountable for their actions leading up to the 2008 crisis as well as to â€Å"protect consumers from financial tricks and the traps often hidden away in mor tgages, credit cards, and other financial products† (, n.d.). Warren worked relentlessly to connect with small bankers due to their essential role as the backbone to the U.S. financial system and their disproportionate suffering during the crisis. While the closing of such banks had profoundly negative effects on the small towns where they were located, their demise was also detrimental to the financial system as a whole. One of Warren’s priorities was to reach

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